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You can add images to your .md pages by using the Markdown syntax for images.
![A bird with a little fish in its mouth](2024-01-22_16-55-13.jpg "A bird with a little fish in its mouth")
<img src="/docs/basics/markdown/2024-01-22_16-55-13_hu2f182e3f395c5b315c12df5e4e37e701_15767_410x274_resize_q85_h2_lanczos.webp" width="410" height="274" decoding="async" fetchpriority="auto" loading="lazy" alt="A bird with a little fish in its mouth" title="A bird with a little fish in its mouth" id="h-rh-i-0" >
![A bug is sitting on a green stem](images/vincent-van-zalinge-IicWDdQUfsQ-unsplash.jpg)
![A young lion cub walking through a wooded area](https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1703237307519-104c7aebf46c?w=500&auto=format&fit=crop&q=60&ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=M3wxMjA3fDB8MHxwcm9maWxlLXBhZ2V8M3x8fGVufDB8fHx8fA%3D%3D)