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You can add images to your .html pages by using the figure partial. See the figure partial reference page for all available arguments.
{{- partial "figure" (dict "page" . "src" "images/vincent-van-zalinge-IicWDdQUfsQ-unsplash.jpg") }}
{{- $opts := dict "page" . "src" "images/vincent-van-zalinge-IicWDdQUfsQ-unsplash.jpg" "width" 768 "sizes" "auto" "formats" (slice "webp" "jpeg") "process" "fill 1600x900" "lqip" "16x webp q20" "decoding" "async" "fetchpriority" "auto" "loading" "eager" "alt" "A close-up of a butterfly on a rope" "title" "A close-up of a butterfly on a rope" "caption" "A close-up of a butterfly on a rope" "class" "foo" }} {{- partial "figure" $opts }}